Update: Developing gene editing technology for American hop cultivars
Hop Research Council / American Hop Convention, Coronado, CA. January 2025
C. Willig
A phenomic and GWAS adventure studying the causes of genetic variation in amenability to regeneration and transformation in black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa)
North Carolina State University, Genetics and Genomics Academy. January 2025.
S.H. Strauss
Exploring Nature’s Transformation Toolbox
Forest Tree Genome Workshop, Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, CA, USA. January 2025
Z. Heinhold
Making a natural genetic engineer even better: A system for removal of pathogenic genes after gene transfer
Fall Virtual Undergraduate Research Symposium, November 2024
V. Conrad
FLP to the Future: Methylation-Insensitive Gene Excision System for Clean Gene Editing
Center for Quantitative Life Sciences, Fall Symposium Lightning Talk, Oregon State University. November 2024
Z. Heinhold
Development of Gene Editing Methods to Retain Access to Foreign Markets for American Hops
Hop Research Council Annual Meeting, Oregon State University, Corvallis. August 2024.
C. Willig
Back to the Future: A co-transformation approach with Agrobacterium T-DNA genes promotes regeneration of transgenic woody plants
IUFRO Tree Biotechnology, Annapolis, Maryland, August 2024
G. Goralogia
Why is amenability to transformation so variable? Phenomic system development and GWAS studies of in planta and in vitro regeneration and transformation in Populus trichocarpa
IUFRO Tree Biotechnology, Annapolis, Maryland, August 2024
Nagle, M. and S.H. Strauss
Agrobacterium T-DNA genes as tools to promote regeneration of transgenic woody plants
SIVB 2024 World Congress on in vitro Biology, St. Loius, MO, June 2024
G. Goralogia
GMO introduction for Oregon teachers
Summer Agricultural Institute, Sponsored by College of Agricultural Sciences at OSU and Oregon Agricultural Education Foundation. OSU Corvallis, June 17, 2024
Strauss, Steven H.
Just rol with it: A transgene excision system for rapid transformation and gene-editing in plants
Poster presented at OSU Spring Poster Undergraduate Research Symposium, Corvallis, OR, May 2024
Victoria Conrad, Cathleen Ma, Ekaterina Peremyslova, Greg S Goralogia, and Steven H Strauss
Exploring the Agrobacterium genome to facilitate in planta transformation
Bayer Agrisciences, Grants-4-Ag, final report symposium (online, February 26, 2024)
Goralogia, G. and S.H. Strauss
Altruistic use of Agrobacterium morphogenic genes to aid transformation of difficult plant species
USDA ARS Plant Gene Expression Center, Albany/Berkeley, CA. November 2023
Strauss, SH and G Goralogia
Altruistic transformation with novel Agrobacterium genes: A model for advancing transformation of recalcitrant plant species?
PlantGene Network Annual Meeting (online), October 2023
Strauss, S.H. and G. Goralogia
Potential for CRISPR/gene-editing in hop breeding
Master Brewers National Meeting, Seattle, WA, October 2023
Strauss, SH and C Willing
Back to the future: Innovations to overcome transformation and gene editing bottlenecks
New Phytologist Conference on Transformative Plant Biotechnology, September 2023, Edinburgh, Scotland
SH Strauss and G Goralogia
Leveraging developmental genes from a shooty Agrobacterium strain for altruistic transformation
Department of Energy Conference on Transformation of Bioenergy Crops, September 2023 (online)
G Goralogia and SH Strauss
Gene editing as a powerful tool to advance hop research and agriculture
Hop Research Council Meeting, August 2023, Boise, ID
Chris Willig
The bumpy road of DEV-gene-assisted transformation of trees
Baer Crop Science / Plant Biotechnology Academy, May 2023, St. Louis, MO, USA
Steven Strauss
Off-target mutations in CRISPR/Cas9-expressing transgenic trees engineered for containment
International Society for Biosafety Research Congress – May 2023, St. Louis, MO, USA
Greg Goralogia and Steven H. Strauss
Recombinant biotechnology for enhancing climate adaptation and productivity in forest trees: Essential biological and governance innovations
International Society for Biosafety Research Congress – May 2023, St. Louis, MO, USA
Steven H. Strauss
Pair of publications on in vitro biology of poplars highlighted in Society for In Vitro Biology Reports
January-March 2023
Cathleen Ma, Amanda Goddard, Steve Strauss, Michael Nagle, Ekaterina Peremyslova, Chenyang Duan, and Yuan Jiang
Toward Gene Editing in Hop: Application of a Cutting-Edge Tool for Accelerating Breeding and Improving Traits
Hop Research Council Meeting, January 2023, Santa Rosa, CA
Chris Willig
Gene Expression – Phenotype Relationships in a Field Study of Photorespiration-Suppressed Transgenic Poplars
Plant and Animal Genome Conference, Forest Trees Session, San Diego, CA, January 2023
Chaney Hart, Amanda Goddard, Li-Wei Chiu, Karli Rasmussen, Yumin Tao, Christopher Still, and Steven Strauss
GWAS with high-throughput machine vision phenomics uncovers genetic regulators of in vitro transformation and regeneration in Populus trichocarpa
Plant and Animal Genome Conference, Forest Trees Session, San Diego, CA, January 2023
Michael F. Nagle
Populus RNAi Transgenes Targeting the Leaf-Spot and Stem-Canker Pathogen Sphaerulina musiva Lack Non-Target Effects on Foliar Endophyte Communities in a Field Trial
Poster presented at the Oregon State University College of Agricultural Science, Microbiome Strategic Initiative Symposium, December 2022
Michael I. Gordon, Jared M. LeBoldus, Posy E. Busby, and Steven H. Strauss
Strauss laboratory work – past and present
Overview presented to biotechnology start-up company visiting OSU, November 16, 2022
Steven H. Strauss
Importance of transformation research for science, application, and biosafety
“USDA-NIFA Listens” online session, November 2, 2022
Steven H. Strauss
Low rates of non-target mutations in field and greenhouse-grown CRISPR/Cas9 expressing transgenic trees
Poster presented at American Society for Plant Biology Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, 2022
Greg S. Goralogia, Isabella M. Andreatta, Qin Xiong, Kelly J. Vining, Estefania Elorriaga, Cathleen Ma and Steven H. Strauss
“Gene Editing for Brewers”
Master Brewers Podcast, October 2022
Professors Steve Strauss and Tom Shellhammer, Oregon State University
Genetic modification methods: Basics and application to hops
Brewing Summit 2022 (ASBC and Master Brewers joint meeting), Convention Center, Providence, Rhode Island, August 2022
Steve Strauss, Chris Willig, Michele Wiseman, David Gent, John Henning, and Tom Shellhammer
Gene Editing in Hops: Methods, Possibilities, and Progress
Poster presented at: Brewing Summit 2022 (ASBC and Master Brewers joint meeting), Convention Center, Providence, Rhode Island, August 2022
Christopher J. Willig, Michele S. Wiseman, John A. Henning, David H. Gent, Tom Shellhammer, and Steven H. Strauss
Where are We in Recombinant Forest Biotech? Some Lessons about Science & Society in a Fractious and Changing World
View the recording
20th IUFRO Tree Biotech International Symposium, Harbin, China, July 2022
Steven H. Strauss
HIGS for control of Sphaerulina musiva poplar leaf spot and stem canker disease: Efficacy, stability, and non-target impacts
20th IUFRO Tree Biotech International Symposium, Harbin, China, July 2022
Michael Gordon, Posy Busby, Steve Strauss, Jared LeBoldus
Reproduction control tools for Eucalyptus: Knockout of flowering and meiosis genes using CRISPR/Cas9 mitigates concerns about gene dispersal while maintaining normal vegetative development
Society for In Vitro Biology Annual Meeting, June 2022, San Diego, CA
Michael F. Nagle, Surbhi Nahata, Bahiya Zahl, Alexa Niño de Rivera, Xavier V. Tacker, Estefania Elorriaga, Cathleen Ma, Greg Goralogia, Amy Klocko, Ellis Kline, Michael Gordon and Steven H. Strauss. (Strauss was presenter)
Of media and miracles: Successes and frustrations in the search for efficient regeneration and transformation methods for trees and crops
Society for In Vitro Biology Annual Meeting, June 2022, San Diego, CA
Steven H. Strauss, Michael Nagle, Nathaniel Ryan, and Cathleen Ma. (Strauss was presenter)
Tree biotech for greenhouse gas mitigation: A confluence of urgency, technology, and social dysfunction
Cosmos Club, Washington, D.C., May 2022
Steven Strauss
CRISPR-modification of floral genes in Eucalyptus: Impacts on flower structure and pollen development
Poster presented at MANRRS Natl Conference, March 2022
Xavier Tacker
Overexpression of the GRF-GIF transcription factor chimera modifies transformation and regeneration efficiency in Populus and Eucalyptus
Poster presented at Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, 2022
Nathan Ryan, Greg Goralogia, Cathleen Ma, Michael Nagle, Steven Strauss
In planta transformation in Populus and Eucalyptus
Poster presented at Society for In Vitro Biology Annual Meeting (online), 2021
Greg S. Goralogia, Cathleen Ma, Henson Tran, Alexa Niño de Rivera, and Steven H. Strauss
Crop biotechnology for enhancing carbon uptake and greenhouse gas mitigation in plantation trees: Status and challenges
Presented at Rockefeller Conference on “How can agrigenomics help to address climate change?,” Boston University, November 2021
Strauss, Steven H.
Excisable gene editing systems: Generation of dwarf and sterile poplars using a developmental and chemical-controlled CRISPR/recombinase excision system
American Society for Plant Biology Annual Meeting, 2021
Goralogia, G.S. and Steven H. Strauss
Excisable gene editing systems: Generation of dwarf and sterile poplars using a developmental and chemical-controlled CRISPR/recombinase excision system
Poster presented at: American Society for Plant Biology Annual Meeting, 2021
Goralogia, G.S., et al.
Somatic Transgene Excision Strategies for Gene Editing in Clonally Propagated Plants
Society for In Vitro Biology National Meeting, June 2021 (invited, online)
Goralogia, G.S. and Steven H. Strauss.
Biological, regulatory, and market conditions affecting forest health improvement with recombinant biotechnology: Constraints of today, visions of a smart tomorrow
USDA funded National Workshop on “Policy influences on biotechnology risk assessment for restoration of threatened forest tree species.”, April 2021 (invited, online)
Strauss, Steven H.
Transcript of Strauss lecture: pages 8-13
A developmentally timed transgene excision system for somatic removal of gene editing components in asexually propagated plants
Presented at the American Society of Plant Biologists, Annual Meeting, 27-31 July 2020 (invited, online)
Greg S. Goralogia, et al.
Analysis of Genes Affecting Plant Regeneration and Transformation in Poplar
Presented at the NSF PGRP Awardees Meeting (online) 2020
Steven H. Strauss, et al.
Recognition and quantitative analysis of transformation in tissue cultures using hyperspectral imaging and machine learning
Society for In Vitro Biology National Meeting (online), June 2020
Steven H. Strauss, et al.
Transformation Improvement in Poplar (Populus trichocarpa): Effects of antioxidant and auxin treatments
Poster presented at: Society for In Vitro Biology National Meeting (online), June 2020
Michael Nagle, Cathleen Ma, Ekaterina Peremyslova, and Steven H. Strauss
Transformation phenomics: Detection of transgenic tissues in plant tissue cultures by cross-referencing of RGB and hyperspectral image datasets analyzed by deep learning and regression
Phenome 2020, Tucson, AZ, February 2020
Michael Nagle
Gene editing in agriculture and forestry: Why the fuss?
Academy for Lifelong Learning, First Congregational Church, Corvallis, OR, January 2020
Steve Strauss
Sterile Eucalyptus for Ornamental and Forestry Uses through CRISPR Disruption of LEAFY function
Ornamentals Workshop, Plant and Animal Genome XXVIII, San Diego, CA – January 2020 (invited)
Elorriaga, E. and S.H. Strauss
Applying Genomic Knowledge to Forest Trees by Gene Editing and Transformation - Market and Regulatory Obstacles
Genomics and Society Workshop, Plant and Animal Genome XXVIII, San Diego, CA – January 2020 (invited)
Steve Strauss
Gene editing policy and application to flowering modification in Eucalyptus
Beijing Forestry University, China, September 2019
Steve Strauss
Gene editing in forest trees: Policies and progress to enable innovation
11th National Poplar Symposium, Hebei, China, September 2019
Steve Strauss
Analysis of Genes Affecting Plant Regeneration and Transformation
Poster presented at the NSF PGRP Awardees Meeting, Arlington, VA
Amanda Goddard, Steve Strauss and others, September 2019
Time for CRISPR? A look at the options for creating novel ornamentals with gene editing and genetic engineering (GE) techniques
FarWest Nursery Science and Technology Show, Portand Convention Center, August 2019
Steven H. Strauss, Ryan Contreras, Michael Nagle
Advanced phenotypic analysis of in vitro development and transformation for GWAS in Populus: Machine vision analysis of RGB and hyperspectral images
Poster presented at Society for In Vitro Biology 2019 Meeting, Tampa, FL
Michael Nagle and others
CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis for genetic containment of forest trees
Poster presented at: USDA Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research Grantee Meeting, June 2019, Riverdale, MD
Greg S. Goralogia and others
Web-based Annotation Tool for Image-based Phenotyping
Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping (CVPPP 2019), Long Beach, CA.
Jialin Yuan, Zheng Zhou, Michael Nagle, Peremyslova Ekaterina, Ali Behnoudfar, Nihar A. Doshi, Ritesh Mewalal, Cathleen Ma, Anna Carlina Magnuson, Yuan Jiang, Steven H. Strauss, and Fuxin Li.
Design of a self-excising CRISPR/Cas9 editing system for asexually propagated plants
Poster presented at: Center for Genomics and Biocomputing 2019 Spring Conference, OSU
Greg Goralogia, Estefania Elorriaga, Michael Nagle, Cathleen Ma, and Steven Strauss
CRISPR and better trees: Gene editing to promote containment of exotic and genetically engineered Eucalyptus
Poster presented at: Center for Genomics and Biocomputing 2019 Spring Conference, OSU
Surbhi S. Nahata, Michael Nagle, Estefania Elorriaga, Cathleen Ma, Steve H. Strauss
RNAi-mediated disease resistance against Sphaerulina musiva in Populus
Poster presented at: Center for Genomics and Biocomputing 2019 Spring Conference, OSU
Michael Gordon, Jared LeBoldus, Posy Busby, and Steve Strauss
Genome editing for biological containment in engineered tree crops: The miracle we have been waiting for?
University of California Innovative Genomics Institute, Berkeley, CA
Steve Strauss, April 2019
Massive Transcriptome Changes during Leaf Senescence in Field Grown Populus trichocarpa Nisqually-1 using KBase Tools - Presentation | Poster
Plant and Animal Genome Meeting, San Diego, CA
Haiwei Lu and Steve Strauss, January 2019
Web- Based Deep Segmentation Tools for Phenotyping
Poster presented at: Plant and Animal Genome Meeting, San Diego, CA
Jialin Yuan and others, January 2019
Genome-wide association studies of regeneration in Populus with machine vision and hyperspectral phenomics
Poster presented at: Plant and Animal Genome Meeting, San Diego, CA
Michael Nagle and others, January 2019
Next-generation phenomics in support of GWAS to Identify Genes Controlling Regeneration and Transformation in Populus trichocarpa
Plant and Animal Genome Meeting, San Diego, CA
Michael Nagle and others, January 2019
Biotech in agriculture and food: Science, status and new developments
Young Farmers and Ranchers Conference, Oregon Farm Bureau. Eagle Crest, OR
Steve Strauss, November 2018
UnDisciplined: The Wetland Ecologist And The Forest Biotechnologist
UnDisciplined, Utah Public Radio
Interview with Steve Strauss, October 2018
Knockout of Meiosis Gene in Eucalyptus using CRISPR/Cas9 for Genetic Containment
Poster presented at Center for Genomics and Biocomputing Fall Retreat, Oregon State University
Bahiya Zahl and others, October 2018
Ten big things about GE/GMO crops and foods
Science Pub hosted by Salem Environmental Education Organization, Salem, OR
Steve Strauss, October 2018
Development of an imaging-based phenomics system for in vitro GWAS studies of plant regeneration and transformation
Poster presented at the NSF PGRP Awardees Meeting, Arlington, VA
Anna Magnuson, Steve Strauss and others, September 2018
Genetically Modifying Trees
Think Out Loud, Oregon Public Broadcasting
Interview with Steve Strauss, August 2018
Modifying Reproductive Traits of Forest Trees
Keynote lecture given at International Symposium on Forest Tree Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Harbin, China
Steve Strauss, July 2018
Phenomics pipeline for high-throughput image analysis of in vitro plant development
Poster presented at Annual Society for Plant Biology National Meeting, Montreal
Anna Magnuson and others, July 2018
LEAFY knockouts in Eucalyptus have normal vegetative growth and lack stamens and carpels
Poster presented at Annual Society for Plant Biology National Meeting, Montreal
Estefania Elorriaga, Steven H. Strauss and others, July 2018
Toward Optimization of in vitro Regeneration and Transformation in Wild Black Cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa)
Poster presented at Society for In Vitro Biology National Meeting, St. Louis, MO.
Cathleen Ma, Steven H. Strauss and others, June 2018
CRISPR-Cas9 mutagenesis for genetic containment of forest trees
Poster presented at USDA Biotechnology Risk Assessment Grantee Meeting
Ritesh Mewalal, Steven H. Strauss and others, June 2018
Project Overview: Analysis of genes affecting plant regeneration and transformation in poplar
Presentation to SMILE teachers at Teachers Conference, OSU
Steven Strauss, January 2018
Cross-suppression of AG and AGL11 genes gives sterility in field grown poplar
Development and Application of Genome Engineering and Transgenic Technology to the Agriculture Workshop, Plant and Animal Genome XVI, San Diego, CA
Haiwei Lu and Steven Strauss, January 2018
RNAi suppression of AGAMOUS-like genes causes field sterility in Populus
Forest Tree Workshop, Plant and Animal Genome XVI, San Diego, CA
Haiwei Lu and Steven Strauss, January 2018
Identifying the genomic basis of adventitious rooting in Populus
Genomics of regeneration in plants and animals workshop, Plant and Animal Genome XVI, San Diego, CA
Steven Strauss, January 2018
Why Biotech Solutions are Needed to Address Forest Health
National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC
Steve Strauss, December 2017
Analysis of Genes Affecting Plant Regeneration and Transformation
Poster presented at the NSF PGRP Awardees Meeting, Arlington, VA
Steve Strauss, Brett Pierce, September 2017
GWAS Identification of Loci Associated with Rooting in Populus
Poster presented at the IUFRO Tree Biotechnology conference in Conception, Chile, as well as the Society for In Vitro Biology annual meeting in Raleigh, NC
Steve Strauss, Anna Magnuson / Cathleen Ma, June 2017
High rate of mutagenesis in gene-edited poplars and eucalypts
Poster presented at the IUFRO Tree Biotechnology conference in Conception, Chile, as well as the Center for Advanced Forestry Systems annual meeting in Portland, OR
Steve Strauss / Michael Nagle, June / May 2017
RNAi suppression of AGAMOUS causes sterility without impacts on vegetative development in field-grown poplars
Poster presented at the IUFRO Tree Biotechnology conference in Conception, Chile.
Steve Strauss, Haiwei Lu, June 2017
GMO crops - The science vs. the controversy
Urban Farm Program at College Hill, Corvallis School District
Steve Strauss, June 2017
RNAi and genome editing for modifying reproductive traits in forest trees
Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China
Steve Strauss, June 2017
A perfect storm: Lessons from two decades of field trials with GE trees
IUFRO Tree Biotechnology Conference, Concepcion, Chile
Steve Strauss, June 2017
RNAi and gene editing as tools for containment of genetically engineered and exotic forest trees
Society for In Vitro Biology, Raleigh, NC
Steve Strauss, June 2017
22 years and 22,979 trees later: Lessons from field-testing GM trees in the USA
14th International symposium on the biosafety of genetically modified organisms, Guadalajara, Mexico
Amy Klocko, June 2017
Trees of the Future - Genetic Engineering as a Tool for Improving Feedstock
Webinar for Advanced Hardwood Biofuels Northwest
Amy Klocko, June 2017
Production and analysis of flowering-modified eucalypts
Center for Advanced Forestry Systems, Portland, OR
Steve Strauss, May 2017
Efficacy and Ecological Impacts of Transgenic Containment Technologies in Poplar
Poster presented at the Biotechnology Risk Assessment Grants Program annual project director's meeting, Riverdale, MD
Steve Strauss, Estefania Elorriaga, May 2017
Navigating the perfect storm? Biotech, society, and forest health
Video of talk (video starts at 18:50)
University of Florida
Steve Strauss, February 2017
GMO crops: The science, impacts, and controversy (pdf)
Video of Talk
Salem Public Library
Steve Strauss, February 2017
GMO crops: The science, impacts, and controversy
Sheldon High School Science Class, Eugene, OR (via Skype)
Steve Strauss, February 2017
CRISPR Technology and Gene Editing Possibilities
Invited lecture presented at the Mint Industry Research Council National Meeting, San Diego, CA
Strauss, Steve H.; Elorriaga, Estefania, January 2017.
Efficacy of RNAi and CRISPR Containment Technologies in Poplar
Poster presented at the Advanced Hardwood Biofuels meeting, Walla Walla, WA
Klocko, Amy L; Elorriaga, Estefania; Lu, Haiwei; Ma, Cathleen; Magnuson, Anna; Howe, Glenn; Strauss, Steve H. Sept 2016.
Sustainability of Hardwood Poplar Biofuel Plantations
Advanced Hardwood Biofuels, Walla Walla, WA
Klocko, Amy L. September 2016.
Genetically Engineered Trees
American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, PA
Strauss, Steve H. August 2016
Regulatory experiences and ideas | Genetically engineered trees: Rationale, Constraints,and Progress
Presentations to USDA Cochran Biotechnology Fellows, Michigan State University
Steve Strauss, June 2016
CRISPR/Cas9 Efficiency and Biological Impacts in Transgenic Poplars and Eucalyptus
Annual Society of Plan Biologists, Austin, Tx
Elorriage, Estefania; Strauss, Steve H. June 2016
Strauss presentation to National Research Council Committee on Biotech Regulation
San Francisco - June 2016
Extensive Natural Variation in Callus and Shoot Regeneration in relation to Agrobacterium - Mediated Transformation of Wild Black Cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa)
Poster presented at Society for In Vitro Biology Meeting, San Diego
Ma, Cathleen; Strauss, Steve H. June 2016
GMO crops: Their use, impacts, and evolution
Webinar presented to Regulatory Framework Information Forum of Biotechnology, Mexico
Strauss, Steve H. April 2016
GBS Analysis of aspen phylogeography
Willamette Valley Habitat and Restoration Annual Meeting, Corvallis Public Library
Strauss, Steve H. March 2016
Are we using GMOs wisely?
Salem Chamber of Commerce monthly lecture
Strauss, Steve H. March 2016
Strauss, Powel, Pearson presentations to National Research Council on GE trees, March 2015
GMOs in Regulation & the Marketplace
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington DC
Strauss, Steve H. Feb 2016
Statement at Press Conference
Genetic Variation and Genomic Associations of Leaf Physiological Traits in an Association Population of Populus trichocarpa
Plant and Animal Genomes Conference, San Diego, CA
Ault, Kori K. Jan 2016
High Incidence of Homozygous Mutation of Floral Genes in CRISPR-Cas9 Transgenic Poplars
Plant and Animal Genomes Conference, San Diego, CA
Elorriaga, Estefania. Jan 2016
RNAi Suppression of Two AGAMOUS Homologs in Sweetgum (Liquidambar) Impairs Male and Female Reproductive Development Under Field Conditions
Plant and Animal Genomes Conference, San Diego, CA
Klocko, Amy L. Jan 2016
Genetic Containment of Forest Trees by RNAi Suppression of LEAFY
Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, CA
Klocko, Amy L. Jan 2016
Low Frequency and Deleterious Impacts from Zinc Finger Nuclease Mutagenesis in Populus
Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, CA
Lu, Haiwei. Jan 2016
Tree Biotech 101
Pankow Foundation Workshop, Portland, OR
Strauss, Steve H. Jan 2016
CRISPR, Gene Drive, and Regulatory Perspectives
National Research Council Committee on Regulation of Gene Drives (webinar)
Strauss, Steve H. Dec 2015
GMO Crops
Oregon Statewide Extension Conference, Corvallis, OR
Strauss, Steve H. Dec 2015
Enabling GMOs in Forestry: CRISPRs as tools to promote coexistence
Plant Science Graduate Seminar, University of California at Davis
Strauss, Steve H. Nov 2015
Tree Biotech: Progress, prospects, and paralysis
Emerald Chapter of the Society of American Foresters, Eugene, OR
Strauss, Steve H. Oct 2015
USDA Cochran Fellowship Training Program at the University of Missouri
Strauss, Steve H. Oct 2015
Crop domestication, green revolution, and breeding
Regulatory experiences and ideas
Biotechnology Literacy Workshop at Oregon State University
Strauss, Steve H. Sep 2015
Overarching issues in the GMO debates
Breeding and Biotechnology Basics
GE crops and gene flow: roundup ready wheat and related problems
Efficacy and ecological impacts of transgenic containment technologies in poplar
Advanced Harwood Biofuels annual meeting, Seattle, WA
Klocko, Amy L. et al. September 2015
Genetically engineered trees: rationale, constraints, and progress
Cornell Alliance for Science, Ithaca, NY
Strauss, Steve H. Sep 2015
CRISPR-Cas nuclease mutagenesis for genetic containment of genetically engineered forest trees
American Society of Plant Biologists annual meeting, Minniapolis, Minnesota
Elorriaga, Estefania et al. July 2015
RNAi of apple AGAMOUS genes leads to increased floral attractiveness and decreased fertility
American Society of Plant Biologists annual meeting, Minniapolis, Minnesota
Klocko, Amy L. et al. July 2015
The How, Where, and Why of Genetically Engineered Plants
Apprenticeships in Science and Engineering (ASE) midsummer symposium, Corvallis, OR
Strauss, Steve H. July 2015
Efficacy and ecological impacts of transgenic containment technologies in poplar
USDA Biotechnology Risk Assessment Grants Program annual project director's meeting, Riverdale, Maryland; and
Tree Biotechnology Conference 2015, IUFRO, Florence, Italy
Klocko, Amy L. et al. June 2015
The science and debates of GMO crops and trees
Regional workshop for Ag Science, Campeche, Yucatan, Mexico
Strauss, Steve H. June 2015
GMO crops and trees: New products, new regulatory issues
Meeting of Regulators at CBIOGEM, Mexico City, Mexico
Strauss, Steve H. June 2015
The global debate over GMO crops: putting the pieces together
Independent University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City, Mexico
Strauss, Steve H. June 2015
The Science and debates over GMO crops and trees
USA-Mexico Joint Extension Conference, Mexico City, Mexico
Strauss, Steve H. June 2015
Biotech (GMO) Crops: What they are, why the disputes?
Keizer Rotary Club, Keizer, OR
Strauss, Steve H. June 2015
Ballot Measure 2-89: My views & potential impacts on OSU
Gazette Times forum on Ballot Measure 2-89, Corvallis, OR
Strauss, Steve H. April 2015
My views on Benton Co. Ballot Measure 2-89
Benton County Democrats
Strauss, Steve H. April 2015
GMO Crops: What are they, where are they, and why all the fuss?
OSU Alumni Association, Corvallis, OR
Strauss, Steve H. April 2015
GMOs: What are they & why so controversial?
Annual Dairy Association of Oregon Meeting, Salem, OR
Strauss, Steve H. April 2015
Structural polymorphisms as causes of heterosis in Populus
OSU Center for Genome Research and Biocomputing spring conference, Corvallis, OR
Devisetty, Upendra K. et al. April 2015
Transgenic Trees
Presentation to National Research Council Committee on GMO Crops
Steve Strauss, March 2015
GMO's and herbicide resistance in trees: opportunities and drawbacks
Pesticide Applicators Training Conference, Albany, OR
Strauss, Steve H. March 2015
GMOs and Benton Co. Ballot Measure 2-89
Corvallis Chamber of Commerce, Corvallis, OR
Strauss, Steve H. March 2015
Targeted mutagenesis of Eucalyptus reproductive genes
Consortium for Plant Biotechnology Research (CPBR) annual symposium, Washington, DC
Klocko, Amy L. et al. March 2015
Stepping Back: How can we improve regulatory reviews to promote innovative and safe uses of genetically modified trees?
ISBGMO, Cape Town, South Africa
Strauss, Steve H. November 2014
Transgenic trees: Remarkable progress, extraordinary constraints
Pretoria, South Africa
Strauss, Steve H. November 2014
Rowing against the tide: Passions, pains, and lessons from defending and developing GMO crops in agriculture and forestry
Horticulure Honors Society, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
Strauss, Steve H. November 2014
Pros and cons of labeling genetically engineered (GE) crops
University of Northern Texas, Denton, TX
Strauss, Steve H. October 2014
GMO crops: what they are, how are they regulated, and should food get a GMO label?
U-Engage Course Lecture, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
Strauss, Steve H. October 2014
GMOs and ballot measure 92
Lebanon Senior Center, Lebanon, OR
Strauss, Steve H. October 2014
GMO labeling: Science, safety, and ethics
Oregon Health and Sciences University, Portland, OR
Strauss, Steve H. October 2014
Biotechnology and biofuel trees
Lewis and Clark Biofuels Symposium, Portland, OR
Strauss, Steve H. October 2014
Genetic engineering of coexistence: Containment technology to enable transgenic innovations in trees
Biology Department, University of Northern Texas, Denton, TX
Strauss, Steve H. October 2014
Transgenic Trees: Remarkable progress, extraodinary constraints
APEC, Beijing, China
Strauss, Steve H. September 2014
Targeting floral development genes for genetic containment of forest trees: PtLFY-RNAi causes sterility while allowing vigorous tree growth in field-grown poplar
Americal Society of Plant Biologists annual meeting, Portland, Oregon
Klocko, Amy L. et al. July 2014
Low frequency of heat-induced zinc finger nuclease mutagenesis of poplar floral genes
Americal Society of Plant Biologists annual meeting, Portland, Oregon
Lu, Haiwei et al. July 2014
A tapetal ablation transgene induces stable male-sterility and slows field growth in Populus
Americal Society of Plant Biologists annual meeting, Portland, Oregon
Elorriaga, Estefania et al. July 2014
AtFT accelerates flowering and leads to viable seed production in hybrid Eucalyptus
Americal Society of Plant Biologists annual meeting, Portland, Oregon
Klocko, Amy L. et al. July 2014
Navigating the Controversies over GMO Crops: The good, the bad, and the righteous
Food Quality Assurance, Troutdale, OR
Strauss, Steve H. May 2014
Navigating the Controversies over GMO Crops: The good, the bad, and the righteous
West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
Strauss, Steve H. April 2014
Finding Our Way Through the Controversy over Genetic Engineering in Agriculture
Nutrition 423, Oregont State University, Corvallis, OR
Strauss, Steve H. February 2014